The secret truth about world building March 31, 2014 advice editing my writing plot world building +0 writing advice editing my writing plot world building writing
When things just don't work (WIP Wednesday) March 19, 2014 advice epic fail WIP Wednesday +0 writing advice epic fail WIP Wednesday writing
A WHISPERED DARKNESS cover reveal (and giveaway) March 07, 2014 books CPs giveaway +0 ya books CPs giveaway ya
The importance of being excited (WIP Wednesday) March 05, 2014 editing hard things my writing +1 The Star Ruby WIP WIP Wednesday writing editing hard things my writing The Star Ruby WIP WIP Wednesday writing
Plot vs. Characters: A writing smackdown February 17, 2014 characters craft editing plot plotting? revising WIP + writing characters craft editing plot plotting? revising WIP writing
Writing is hard February 07, 2014 about me challenge goals The Star Ruby WIP + writing about me challenge goals The Star Ruby WIP writing
September #writemotivation check-in No. 1 September 17, 2013 #writemotivation blogging revising The Star Ruby WIP + writing #writemotivation blogging revising The Star Ruby WIP writing
September #Writemotivation (and no, I'm not dead) September 06, 2013 #writemotivation about me blogging challenge editing news WIP + writing #writemotivation about me blogging challenge editing news WIP writing
WIP Wednesday 6 and a new goal March 20, 2013 deadlines drafting The Star Ruby WIP WIP Wednesday + writing deadlines drafting The Star Ruby WIP WIP Wednesday writing
My next goal February 04, 2013 about me goals my writing The Star Ruby WIP + writing about me goals my writing The Star Ruby WIP writing
Taken by storm January 07, 2013 not writing stories television TV + writing not writing stories television TV writing
A new year, a new blog January 04, 2013 about me blogging goals my writing new years resolutions + writing about me blogging goals my writing new years resolutions writing