Yes, she lives

Yeah, I am alive. Shocking, right?

I was a little burnt out after I finished NaNo. That's right, I am again a winner. I finished the second to last day, which meant that I didn't get that sweatshirt I was going for. (I told myself if I finished by Nov. 25, I would buy the NaNoWriMo sweatshirt. That didn't work out.

Oh well. So, I've been extraordinarily lazy. But I am alive. And my goal is to continue to write blog posts more regularly for the rest of the year (yes, I realize there are only two weeks left) and into next year. Soon I'll be doing a year-end blog post next week, and that also means that my anniversary is coming up. And you can look forward to a giveaway to celebrate.

So, what have I been doing instead of writing these past couple of weeks?

  1. I drew this lovely picture for my dear friend Sarah over at Squidink for Christmas. Its her characters Eva and Kai celebrating Christmas on a beach. They live in a desert country, so there wouldn't be any snow or anything. I have told her she needs to color it.

  2. I've been Christmas shopping. Man, I've forgotten how much I dislike Christmas shopping. Not because I hate giving things to people. In fact, it's the exact opposite. I love giving things to people. All the time. Most of my friends can attest that I like gift-giving all year round. My problem is I'm very indecisive about things. So I don't know what to get during the holidays. At other times, there isn't much weight to a random gift, so I don't have to put much thought into it. *le sigh* I don't mind the Christmas songs and holiday drinks, however.
  3. Working. Working my little tail bone off. That, and a five-day vacation to visit my parents. I celebrated Thanksgiving late since I had to work on the holiday. Fortunately, my family was sweet and held making the big dinner until I got there. Super sweet. So I spent some time catching up with friends and family. And getting my oil changed.
  4. Spending time with the boyfriend. Hey, I have to find time for him too, right? Actually, he gave me the best Christmas presents early. (since we won't be spending the actual holiday together. Are you guys seeing a theme here?) He quite literally gave me the gift that I've been wanting for more than a year. Oh, and jewelry. (Because, you know, girls love jewelry.)
So that's what I've been up to. Tell me one thing you've done in the last month that I don't know about!
